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Air sampling pumps use the process of capturing airborne contaminants and then measuring their concentrations. The contaminants drawn in by the air sampling pump are measured and examined against a volume of air. These measurements are done in milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) or parts per million (ppm). 

In the case of air sampling pump Testing, is the setting of the air flow through the filter medium to the recommended level for the method being used. The flow should be checked before and after each sample. we offers a range of Testing equipment, and the choice of which calibrator depends on:

  • Available budget
  • Accuracy required by the method
  • Ease of use
  • Fit for purpose

A calibrator can either be to a primary or secondary standard. A Primary standard is an instrument that bases measurements on direct, measurable linear dimensions that will not change over time, or be altered by temperature or atmospheric pressure, such as the soap bubble flowmeter range. Secondary standard devices base their Testing upon primary standards and may be affected by temperature, atmospheric changes and mishandling. They can be used to obtain accurate, reliable measurements of pump flow rate if their Testing can be traced to a primary standard and they are handled with reasonable care.

We provide Services for the Testing, Repair and Maintenance of Personal Dust Sampler.

Services can be offered Onsite as well as from our Lab 

Please email us your requirement on sales@agglife.co.in 

Product Code: CSJN14D
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